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Switchgear Industries | Low Tension(L.T.) and High Tension(H.T.) Control Panel manufacturer.

Premier Manufacturer of electrical control panels

Smart Solutions Efficient Performance

Low Tension(L.T.) & High Tension(H.T.)

We have been able to offer high quality Control Panel to our valuable customers.

RTCC Transformer Panels

Design – Develop – Deliver

Customised Panels

Design – Develop – Deliver

Mcc Panel

Design – Develop – Deliver






It all started in the year 1993 with a low end trading of electrical consumable products such as fluorescent tubes, incandescent lamps, bulbs, Anchor switches etc. Gradually, the trading activities grew and as time passed, Switchgear products became main products instead of mere consumables.

Switchgear products are a necessity for making of any Control Panel and are always in demand in a very good quantity both for Consumer (small scale) as well as Industrial (large scale) clients. In trading, we have all products required that go in the making of panels. This is one reason we felt, if we could make control panels, it could help us establish bulk trading of switchgear products and its related accessories.

Our aim is to furnish fully finished Panels to our clients keeping in mind the following things:


We are committed to deliver finished goods on time or beforetime. Cost: We believe that cost plays a vital role in manufacture of large panels. We take care of this by offering the best and most economical pricing for panels with specific requirements.


Our skilled designers take into consideration the requirements of client and then chalk out the best and most economical design.


You can expect a panel to give services most effectively if it has a good design, proper components present and along with all this, it is durable too. The body of Panel is made of MS sheets and then fabricated to make it absolutely robust.


The raw material we use in manufacture of panels is as per the Industry Standards and specifications and incase of requirements of any spares (for any replacements) or up gradations (higher rating material), arrangements can easily be made in short duration of time.


Designing is not only the field that our team is good at but we give due consideration to the aesthetics of the panel too. We also take care of the surrounding too while we design the panels.


Our team has its own test Engineers to test panels for desired functionality once the panel is assembled. It is only when a panel satisfactorily passes all mandatory tests, it is considered ready. We are committed to give you top quality service.

We build

Low Tension (L.T.) and High Tension (H.T.) Control Panel manufacturer

Maruti Dental Clinic

Plastic Moulding Machines

1) Injection moulding
2) Blow moulding

Maruti Dental Clinic

Electro magnets

1) Circular lifting magnets
2) Over Band Magnetic Separator
3) Ferro-filters etc.
4) Suspension Magnets

Maruti Dental Clinic


2) FCC
4) Marshalling box

Maruti Dental Clinic

Custom design panels

1) Cold-storage.
2) Process treatment
3) Food Dry Freezing.
4) Weighing and Batching Plants


Smart Solutions,Efficient Performance

In case of any issues with any of our panels delivered to you, we are always there to take and give suggestions, solutions and any other form of help needed wherever necessary.


Having ventured into various Industrial fields for building of Panels, our work force has developed immense talent and confidence that can enable us design any panel simply with the word go.


All the finished Control Panels that roll out of our production line are tested thoroughly for: Technical Design ,Economical Design , Aesthetic Design , Component List , Quality Finishing Overall Quality Control , Trouble-free Working .


We have qualified engineers and wiremen to handle all that it needs from designing, implementing, testing etc. to give our clients a desired end result.All we need to know is the way in which the Machine is to be working in conjunction with the Panel.


SWITCHGEAR INDUSTRIES is a company that has emerged as a Low Tension(L.T.) and High Tension(H.T.) Control Panel manufacturer.





About Us

SWITCHGEAR INDUSTRIES is a company that has emerged as a Low Tension(L.T.) and High Tension(H.T.) Control Panel manufacturer. We have been making control panels since year 2000 for various machines manufactured by large as well as small plant manufacturers.We also cater to needs which require custom built designing of Control Panels for various applications right from small motor-starter unit to large scale machinery used in various Industrial applications. 


Socialise with us

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Working Hours

Visit us at our HQ for a mean cup of coffe and a fantastic consulting team.

  • Monday : 9pm To 5pm
  • Monday : 9pm To 5pm
  • Monday : 9pm To 5pm
  • Monday : 9pm To 5pm
  • Monday : 9pm To 5pm
  • Monday : 9pm To 5pm
  • Monday : 9pm To 5pm

Our Locations

303/17, GIDC Industrial Estate,
Opp. Telephone Exchange,
Makarpura,Vadodara(Baroda)- 390 010. GUJARAT STATE,INDIA


+91-98258-02179/78 ,+91-98795-46678
